Both the Legion of Honor and de Young are open to the public. Please read our safety guidelines.
Can archaeologists recognize prehistoric religious belief and practice? This lecture examines elaborate new rituals surrounding death and the disposal of the human body during the Chalcolithic period (ca. 4500─3600 BC). This era of dramatic change offers insights into the profound ritual intensification, demographic expansion, increased craft production, and new technology, most notably metallurgy, in the southern Levant.
This lecture is supported by a grant from the Helen Diller Family Foundation, a Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Endowment Fund, and by the Israel Antiquities Authority.
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Programs are varied and include such activities as lectures by noted archaeologists, museum curators, and ancient art historians; exclusive tours of the Museum’s permanent collection and special exhibitions; fund-raising events; and travel programs to ancient sites and other museums. Members also receive invitations from related organizations to attend lectures ad exhibition openings. Your annual membership dues and contributions will assist in furthering the Ancient Art collection at the Fine Arts Museums.
November 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
New Rituals, New Religion? Death's Dominion during the Copper Age of the Southern Levant
Florence Gould Theater, Legion of Honor
Presented by Yorke Rowan Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Free and open to the public